Lab 1: Getting Started

✔ It's working!

Copy and paste the code below into the console pane, and press the Enter key to run the code. If your installation of R is working correctly, you should see the R version printed out, and a message indicating that your version of R is up do date (like the message seen below).

R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24)
✔ Your version of R is up to date!

Copy and paste the R code below into the console and press the Enter key to run the code. If you have configured RStudio correctly by following the instructions above, you should see a message that says “✔ RStudio is correctly configured!”.

✔ RStudio is correctly configured!

Copy and paste the R code below into the console and press the Enter key to run the code. If an appropriate version of the tidyverse package is properly installed, you should see two messages: “✔ tidyverse is installed and relatively up-to-date” and “✔ usethis is installed.”

✔ tidyverse is installed and relatively up-to-date.
✔ usethis is installed

Copy and paste the code below into your R console, and press the Enter key to run the code. If your project is set up correctly, you should see a message saying “Your project is in a good place” (like the one shown in the image below).

✔ Setting active project to '/home/runner/work/sds100/sds100'
✔ Project found at: '/home/runner/work/sds100/sds100'. Your project is in a good place.